We produce castings of grey cast iron, nodular cast iron and aluminium. We also provide for the manufacture of patterns, machining, painting and heat treatment. Our typical products include electric-motor housings and endshields, gearbox housings, bodies and part of pumps, machine components etc.

Stator frame (CASSA B3 B5C 400)
Material: EN-GJS-400-15
Weight: 898 kg

Upper semihousing HDP 140
Material: EN-GJS-400-15
Weight: 606 kg

Lower semihousing HDP 140
Material: EN-GJS-400-15
Weight: 552 kg

Flanschkrummer DN600
Material: EN-GJL-250
Weight: 1049 kg

Stator frame
Material: EN-GJL-200
Weight: 1250 kg

Leitschaufelgehause P700-470
Material: EN-GJL-200
Weight: 186 kg

Baugrose 315
Material: EN-GJL-250
Weight: 870 kg

Material: EN-GJL-250
Weight: 1197 kg

Kostra statoru 560/562
Material: EN-GJL-200
Weight: 2510 kg

Kegel-fussgeh SK 9092
Material: EN-GJL-200
Weight: 765 kg

Material: EN-GJL-250
Weight: 130 kg

Housing HDP 120
Material: EN-GJS-400-15
Weight: 570 kg

Fusgehause SK 92/93
Material: EN-GJL-200
Weight: 247 kg